Thursday, July 08, 2010

What kind of bird is this?

July 4 fell on Sunday this year, so I had Monday, July 5 off from work in observance of the holiday. It was a rainy day (we got 4.5-inches in my yard) and not good for much else other than laying on the sofa watching movies.

Until something flew past the window and got my attention. When I got up off the sofa to investigate, I had the good sense to grab my camera. And, this is what I saw.

The thing is, I don't know what kind of bird it is. I can't say I've ever seen one before. It turns out there were two of them in the neighborhood, so maybe they were mates or siblings. So, do you know what kind of bird it is?


PoetC7 said...

According to my friend, Lucas, it is a yellow crowned night heron. Seen as far north as Illinois in summer, they are common in south Florida year round. Although ... this was the first one I'd ever seen. Actually, I saw two, but only got a photo of one.

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