Friday, December 07, 2007


The month of November went by in a blur.
Now, here it is December!
Man! Where does the time go?
That's the age old question, isn't it?

Tuesday I got home early and was greeted at the front door by two Monarch butterflies who were dancing around the milkweed I planted next to the bird bath. They were there for quite some time, allowing me to capture several shots, up close and personal.

When I showed the pictures to my young friend, Lucas, (who got me started on the milkweed) he said, "That's a female and she's laying eggs." I asked him how he knew this and he gave me a very scientific explanation which I can't begin to repeat. Regardless, I'll be watching for more caterpillars next week!

Cheers to all this beautiful December day in Florida! Temperature at 4:15 PM is 79 degrees!
Eat your heart out, New York!


Alpaca Granny said...

Haven't been to visit in a while. Need a little warmth & sunshine here in midMichigan. Was 10 degrees in the barn this a.m. Hope all is well with you.

PoetC7 said...

10 degrees in the barn? Oh, my God! You do need a little warmth, don't you? Bless your heart ...
77 degrees out today and a light ocean breeze --- this time of year is why so many of us live here.
Hope all is well with you, too!