The month of November went by in a blur.
Now, here it is December!
Man! Where does the time go?
That's the age old question, isn't it?
Tuesday I got home early and was greeted at the front door by two Monarch butterflies who were dancing around the milkweed I planted next to the bird bath. They were there for quite some time, allowing me to capture several shots, up close and personal.
When I showed the pictures to my young friend, Lucas, (who got me started on the milkweed) he said, "That's a female and she's laying eggs." I asked him how he knew this and he gave me a very scientific explanation which I can't begin to repeat. Regardless, I'll be watching for more caterpillars next week!
Cheers to all this beautiful December day in Florida! Temperature at 4:15 PM is 79 degrees!
Eat your heart out, New York!